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Here are some sample photos representing just a few of the galleries within my members-only area. As you can see, my boobs are prominently featured along with a lot of legwear; I love stockings, long socks, legwarmers and all kinds of hosiery. I'm also a big fan of panties.



My galleries are presented to members in a hands-free slideshow format and I like them to convey the flirtatiousness and anticipation of an old-fashioned striptease with the payoff of shots of my pussy or asshole towards the end.

My aim is to present images communicating my "realness": the warmth and fleshiness of my curvy broad-next-door body and the textures of my feminine attire.



In addition to sharing my pictures, I always present my galleries with insight into what makes them sexy to me. Sometimes I have specific fantasies, role plays or memories that go with my photos so I share all of that with my members; I like to draw your attention towards specific details, too, like the ridge of a nylon seam running up my leg or the smell of hot satin panties. I enjoy sucking people into a rich fantasy or palpable reality with my porn. My girlfriend shoots almost all of my pictures, so what members see is truly intimate and homemade.



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When you join you'll also get members-only access to DeliaTS and TrixiesHouseboy which are FULL of the photos I shoot of my transsexual girlfriend before and during her transition. The pictures I take of other people are actually more intimate (and WAY hotter) to me than the pictures I'm in myself; I feel much more "myself" behind the camera than in front of it, and really get to be the pornographer & voyeur I want to be by shooting other people.




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   My Transsexual Girlfriend's Site  


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My site is voluntarily labeled RTA  
"restricted to adults".  
