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A Few Things about Me:
D.O.B. - 03/17/73 | eyes - blue | breasts - 36D | height - 5'2"
No tattoos, no body piercings, no implants, and no kids.

Number of sex partners: over 75, both men and women

Location: Washington state, near Seattle

Turn Ons:
guys jerking off with each other, taboo role plays, thick socks & legwarmers, girls with perky little titties, licking my boyfriend's asshole, white panties, hand jobs, sucking cock, bumpy anal toys, teasing, dominant women, idealism, uninhibited dorky dancing

Turn Offs:
gaping assholes, pain, hypersanitized people who are afraid to get dirty, long fake fingernails, litterbugs, fakey "reality" shows & porn, housecleaning, people who oversimplify complex issues.

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